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If you are in .Net background then you are well aware of that Scheduler, Scheduler means a framework which controls the parallel execution of Jobs. Earlier we make the Scheduler in .NET using Windows Service but in today's topic we see how the Scheduler will work in MVC application using Quartz. Scheduler mainly use in the scenario where bulk SMS or Email need to send in Background process without any effect of Server.

Today We gonna see that how the Quartz Scheduler will work in MVC and the application is configure in IIS.

Step-1: Open VS 2017 >> File New Project >> ASP .NET application >> Choose Empty MVC

 Step-2: Install the package Quartz through Nuget

You can install it through Package Manager Console of the following command.
    Install-Package Quartz -Version 3.0.7
Step-3: Add the two keys in Web.config File. The two keys are responsible for the (i) Service class on/off. (ii) SchedularService is responsible for the process call time. 
     <add key="TaskService" value="ON" />  
     <add key="SchedularService" value="0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *" /> 
Step-4: (i)  Add a class under Models Folder named as "TaskService.cs"
     using Quartz;  
     using System;  
     using System.Configuration;  
     using System.IO;  
     using System.Threading.Tasks;  
     namespace QuartzSchedularMVC.Models  
       public class TaskService : IJob  
         public static readonly string SchedulingStatus = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TaskService"];  
         public Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)  
           var task = Task.Run(() =>  
             if (SchedulingStatus.Equals("ON"))  
                 string path = "C:\\Sample.txt";  
                 using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path, true))  
                   writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Quartz Schedular Called on "+ DateTime.Now.ToString("dd /MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt")));  
               catch (Exception ex)  
           return task;  
You can see we add the demo stuff under try block, after every 1 minute interval the process is being called at it write into the notepad.
  (ii)  Add another class under Models Folder named as "SchedulerService.cs"
     using Quartz;  
     using Quartz.Impl;  
     using System;  
     using System.Configuration;  
     namespace QuartzSchedularMVC.Models  
       public class SchedulerService  
         private static readonly string ScheduleCronExpression = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SchedularService"];  
         public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task StartAsync()  
             var scheduler = await StdSchedulerFactory.GetDefaultScheduler();  
             if (!scheduler.IsStarted)  
               await scheduler.Start();  
             var job = JobBuilder.Create<TaskService>()  
               .WithIdentity("ExecuteTaskServiceCallJob1", "group1")  
             var trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()  
               .WithIdentity("ExecuteTaskServiceCallTrigger1", "group1")  
             await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);  
           catch (Exception ex)  
Step-5: Open the "Global.asax" file and add the reference of the above class. The SchedulerService class is execute when we run the application then it execute.
    public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication  
         protected void Application_Start()  
           //The Schedular Class  
In every 1 minute interval this process execute. if you want to change the schedule time you can change through Web.config Key

Step-6: Now we run our application and see the output in printed in Notepad in every 1 minute interval as expected.

Please follow how to configure MVC application in IIS.

Please find the Source code in GitHub

  In this tutorial we discussed Quartz Scheduler using in ASP .NET MVC. If have any question related to this topic then give your feedback.

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