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In this article we will discuss how to connect Microsoft Azure database in SQL Server. If you miss our Previous article about Azure then please go through the link Azure Series

Before you start the following are the prerequisites:
  • Azure SQL database.
  • SQL Server Management Studio.
  • A configured server-level firewall rule.

  Login with your Azure portal https://portal.azure.com/ then go to your database.

The highlighted is our server name

  Then click on the Connection string tab in left menu, then it open the image like below where the connection string is mentioned. According to your technology you can follow the connection string.

  Open the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Add the Server Name then use the credentials that you have use for access the Azure database.

  After submitting the credentials when you click the connect button it popped up a screen to set the Firewall Rule for your IP address. Click on the sign button

  Then it navigate to another screen to sign in with the Azure credentials.

  After sign in with Microsoft credentials you can see it automatically set the firewall rule in Azure account like below image.

  After doing all this you can connect the Azure database in SQL server as we did in below image. Also we add a data into employee table ( this table we create in Azure in our previous article)

  When you move to Azure database then you can see the same employee data is reflected.

 In this tutorial we discussed How to connect Microsoft Azure database in SQL Server . If have any question related to this topic then give your feedback.

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