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In this article we will discuss how to copy an Azure SQL database using the Azure Portal. Before starting this article please go through the previous article How to rename the Azure SQL Database using command Line(TSQL) or using GUI(SSMS).

Login your Azure portal with the Microsoft Azure credentials.
Select the Existing database then go to Overview section then click the Copy tag as like below.

How to copy an Azure SQL database using the Azure Portal
Fig-1 : Like the above image click on Copy

After clicking the tag Copy as highlighted in Fig-1, it navigate to you new page.
  • You can see that database name is automatically set as employee_copy as our original database name is employee.
  • Then target the server, when you click the target server it open a new pop up window where you can create a new server name, if you have already created the server it should shows. If you want to create a new server then please follow the link. In our case we have already a server, then we use this. 
  • Click the highlighted server.
How to copy an Azure SQL database using the Azure Portal

➥ After selecting the server it looks like below;

How to copy an Azure SQL database using the Azure Portal
➥ After selecting OK buuton it will take some seconds/minute to copy the entire database. You can see in below image in notification tab it is showing the database copy is running.


➥ Yeah ! We are all set now the database is copied in the specified resource group as expected.

How to copy an Azure SQL database using the Azure Portal

➥ You can see the table that we are created our original database employee is copied.

How to copy an Azure SQL database using the Azure Portal

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